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drink weed.
If you’ve made it this far, we know what you’re wondering is there a dispensary near me or dispensaries near me that carry these weed drinks? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve made it easy for you to find the answer and even order with some of our partners that carry our THC drinks. All you need to do is enter your zip code, and we’ll provide a list of dispensaries in your area. We’re here to answer the question is there a dispensary near me. If there is not one, we’ll do what we can to bring our weed drinks to you–just let us know where you are and stay in touch. Don’t worry; you’ll be drinking weed in no time!
Most recreational dispensaries or medical dispensaries require guests to have a valid 21+ ID and / or a state issue medical cannabis card (where permitted).
The dispensary pages for our partners should allow you to place an order directly through their website. We tried to make things as easy as possible.
Most laws are relatively easy to find, but we recommend contacting the dispensary nearest you to find out.
We’ve all been there before. If you can’t find a dispensary that’s close, go and vote to legalize in your state or visit a state that has Hi5 cannabis beverages available!
If there aren’t weed drinks near you, let us know here, and we’ll see if we can get them to a dispensary near you.
Let us know if there aren’t any dispensaries near you that have THC drinks. If you don’t have legal cannabis or dispensaries in your state, be sure to follow your local politics and be an advocate for thoughtful political change.