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What is Cannabis Soda?

When you key in “weed drink near me,” you’re going to get a lot of choices. Drinking weed is now definitely a thing, and there are all kinds of ways you can do just that, including the impressive lineup of Hi5 beverages like Hi5 Energy and Hi5 Seltzer. But, we’ve got a new addition you don’t want to miss: Hi5 Soda weed drinks.

Check out the newest addition to the Hi5 beverage family!

You may have fallen head over heels for Hi5 Seltzers with their fast-acting THC particles and easy way to enjoy a scalable THC buzz, but Hi5 Soda is only slightly different. This THC drink is a weed-infused, carbonated beverage made with familiar flavors you probably already know and love like:

  • Cola
  • Diet Cola
  • Lemon Lime
  • Orange
  • Mr. Pif (akin to a certain peppery soda)

So, if soda has always been your go-to drink, and you prefer to drink weed, you’re bound to be impressed with Hi5 Soda. This is the sweetly perfect marriage of two of your favorite things: weed and soda, and they’re right there together in one can. You get the same fast-acting THC that Hi5 beverages are known for in a familiar flavor that can sound almost too good to be true.

What’s weed soda? How’s it made?

Weed soda is a type of weed drink that contains tiny THC particles, carbonation, and flavor additives. The drink looks and tastes just like cola or orange soda, but is infused with THC particles. Take a sip, and those particles get absorbed by the mouth and broken down in the stomach. Soon after you start drinking weed, you start to feel those trademark effects, and this tends to happen a lot faster than with weed edibles.

Different types of weed soda are made in different ways depending on who makes the beverage. In general, the active cannabinoids are extracted from cannabis and then infused into the liquid ingredients. But, the use of unique extracts and manufacturing methodologies can mean a unique experience depending on which weed soda you pick.

For example, Hi5 beverages (including Hi5 Sodas) are made using nano-emulsified THC molecules. These molecules are smaller and easier absorbed when consumed. So, when you start drinking your bubbly weed drink, you can feel the effects within just a few minutes. Instead of waiting for 30 minutes or more to decide whether you’ve had enough, you can sip away, feel the effects, and stop when you’re happy with the effects.

How’s Hi5 soda different from “regular” weed edibles?

When you eat something infused with THC, that food-based product is sent to the stomach and digestive system for processing. The THC is eventually metabolized by the liver, which is when you will start to feel the effects. This whole process can take as much as an hour and sometimes more.

Hi5 Soda Lemon Lime

Unfortunately, this also means that after you eat your edible, you can be left sitting idle in wait, unsure of when or what is going to happen. And, when the effects do hit, they can happen all at once. If you’ve eaten a bit too much THC, this can easily lead to an overwhelming situation. Most edible lovers have been there and done that because it’s super easy to eat just a little too much.

Hi5 Soda or other weed drinks contain smaller THC particles, so the effects happen much faster. For example, after about five minutes with a Hi5 Soda, you will feel the effects start to seep in. You may start getting the giggles, feel a little more weightless, and get a little more sociable. The more you drink, the more profound the effects, and you can simply stop drinking when you’re satisfied with your high. No waiting, no wondering, and no out-of-the-blue onslaught of overwhelming effects. You simply sip, feel the buzz, and stop when you’re happy.

Where can I buy Hi5 weed soda near me?

When you’re in the mood for a good, cold, fizzy soda (with weed), Hi5 Soda is bound to hit the spot. The good news is, you shouldn’t have to look far to feed your weed soda craving. These new additions are on dispensary menus throughout Maine and Massachusetts. Simply plug in your address or zip code on our website to find a retailer near you. Oh, and hey, you’re welcome!

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